Ask our Doctors

Skin Renewal Doctors all have a broad knowledge, background and passion for aesthetic medicine. Please feel free to ask them your questions and concerns.

Meet Our Staff
Meet Our Staff


Health Renewal therapists are proficient with our equipment, treatments, and the harmonious relationship between in-clinic procedures and home care. Frequent training and assessments are conducted to guarantee that our hands-on techniques and knowledge meet our exacting standards. Our therapists collaborate closely with our medical doctors, ensuring a collaborative approach to deliver the best possible results for you.

THE Therapists TEAM

Catherine Constantinides

I've been so blessed to work with the experts at Skin Renewal, who have assisted me in understanding my skin and how to take better care of it between peels or every few months the Endymed treatments I've had. The results are UNBELIEVABLE!!!! And I'd highly recommend it.

Humanitarian | South Africa's #EarthWarrior | Climate Activist

Catherine Constantinides