Ask our Doctors

Skin Renewal Doctors all have a broad knowledge, background and passion for aesthetic medicine. Please feel free to ask them your questions and concerns.

Meet Our Staff
Meet Our Staff


Our doctors serve patients across multiple clinics, consulting during weekdays and Saturday mornings. At Health Renewal, we prioritise offering top-tier service and guidance on treatments & products. After a detailed consultation, patients receive tailored treatment solutions to address their specific needs and goals. Upon completing the prescribed treatments, you'll revisit the doctor to assess results and determine the next steps.

THE Doctors TEAM

Connie Chiume

Connie is a global actress, philanthropist, she acted on numerous big tv productions. She is SA's most loved Mama and has adopted and groomed so many actors and actresses in SA. Welcome to the Skin Renewal Rosebank family!

Multiple Award Winning Actress

Connie Chiume