Health Renewal Site Map
- Health Renewal Ballito
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- Health Renewal Fourways
- Health Renewal Irene
- Health Renewal Lynnwood
- Health Renewal Morningside Sandton
- Health Renewal Paarl
- Health Renewal Parkhurst
- Health Renewal Rosebank
- Health Renewal Stellenbosch
- Health Renewal Umhlanga
- Health Renewal Waterfall
- Health Renewal West Rand
- Health Renewal Willowbridge
- Acne
- Adrenal Disorders
- Adrenal Fatigue
- Age Prevention Protocols
- Allergies
- Alopecia
- Alzheimer's disease
- Andropause
- Anti-Inflammatory Diet
- Anxiety
- Arrhythmia
- Asthma
- Atherosclerotic Plaque
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Balding and Hair Loss
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
- Blood Disorders
- Brain fog
- Breast Cancer
- Cancer Prevention Treatments
- Candida
- Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Inflammation
- Chronic Inflammation & Disease
- Chronic Pain
- Chronic Stress
- Cirrhosis
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Constipation
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Digestive Disorders
- Eczema
- Endometriosis
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Female Reproductive Issues
- Fever Blisters
- Fibromyalgia
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
- Gingivitis / Inflamed Gums
- Gout
- Heavy metal detoxification
- Hemochromatosis
- High Cholesterol / Arteriosclerosis
- Histamine
- Homocysteine Reduction
- Hormonal Pigmentation / Melasma
- Hypertension
- Hypoglycaemia
- Hypothyroidism
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- Influenza
- Insomnia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Leaky Gut or Hyperpermeable Intestines
- Low Stomach Acid
- Lupus
- Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
- Memory Loss
- Menopause
- Metabolic Detoxification
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Migraine Headache
- Narcolepsy
- Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
- Obesity
- Oestrogen dominance
- Optimal Thyroid Function
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Parasites
- Periodontitis and Cavities
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Raynaud's Syndrome
- Reducing lipoprotein a
- Restless Legs Syndrome
- Restoring gut flora after antibiotics
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Sciatic Nerve Pain
- Seasonal Affective Disorders (SAD)
- Sinusitis
- Skin & Ageing
- Sleep Apnea
- Sleep Arrhythmia
- Sleep Deprivation
- Stomach pH
- Stroke Cerebrovascular disease
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Treating UARS and Trauma with Neurofeedback
- Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Vitiligo
- Whiplash
- 1. About IV Infusions
- 2. How do I get started with IV Treatments
- Anti-Viral Infusion Cocktail
- Aspirin
- Astaxanthin
- Biopuncture
- Bioregulatory Medicine
- Blood Diagnostic Analysis
- Botulinum Injection for Bruxism/Teeth Clenching
- Carnosine
- Chronic Stress Infusion Cocktail
- Curcumin
- Detoxification Infusion Cocktail
- Essential System 1-Insulin
- Essential System 2 - HPA Axis & Stress
- Essential System 3- Gut Restoration & Gut Health
- Essential System 4: Detoxification
- Essential System 5: Identify and manage MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome)
- Essential System 6: Fatty acid balance Omega 3 and Omega 6 ratio
- Essential Systems for Health and Hormone Balancing
- Folate vs Folic Acid
- General Guidelines - IV Therapy
- Glutamine
- Green Coffee Bean Extract
- Hair Loss and Hair Growth IV Infusion
- Hangover Recovery Infusion Cocktail
- Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails Infusion Cocktail
- Healthy Heart Infusion
- Homeopathy
- InBody Body Composition Analyzer
- Iridology Testing
- Jet Fuel Cocktail: Get an IV Boost!
- Medical Ozone Therapy
- MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
- Multivitamins & Minerals
- N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
- Nutraceuticals
- Nutrition for Skin
- Nutritional Support for Vegans & Vegetarians
- Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids
- Pain Management IV Infusion
- Pomegranate
- Pycnogenol
- Renewal Institute Diet (RID)
- Resveratrol
- Skin Brightening Infusion Cocktail
- Sleep Studies
- Sport Bomb Infusion Cocktail
- Statins
- Surgical Mole Removal
- T3 Supplementation
- Thyroid Regulation
- Ubiquinol
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin K2
- Weight Loss Boost Infusion Cocktail
- 10 Reasons to do Body Renewal Diet
- About Conventional, Integrative and Functional Medicine
- About Functional Medicine
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- 10 Anti-Inflammatory & Disease-Fighting Foods
- 10 Foods You Think Are Healthy
- 10 Myths about diabetes busted
- 10 Tips For Lowering Your Blood Pressure Naturally
- 10 Ways to Beat Chocolate Cravings
- 11 Clues you're eating too many carbs
- 11 Food Rules for the Ultimate Anti-Inflammatory Diet
- 11 Great Reasons to Eat Less Meat
- 12 Detoxing Foods I Always Have In My Kitchen
- 13 Foods You Think Are Healthy
- 13 Signs you have a Thyroid problem + what to do about it
- 14 Rules I Follow When Eating Fruit
- 3 Diets That You Think Are Healthy
- 3 Easy Steps To Calculate Your BMI
- 3 Key Nutrients Kids Need to Feel Super-Powered
- 3 Signs Your "Healthy Diet" Is Making You Unhealthy
- 3 Things You Can Do For Healthy Joints
- 3 Warm Spiced Milks & Why They’re Good For You
- 5 Strategies For A Better Night’s Sleep
- 5 Things That Help Prevent Cancer
- 5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Manage Your PCOS
- 6 Great Ways To "Eat Clean" And Lose More Weight
- 6 Strategies for Eating Your Way Out Of Spring Allergies
- 7 Healthy Hacks to Beat Sugar Cravings
- 7 Hormone Imbalances That Could Explain Your Fatigue, Moodiness & Weight Gain
- 7 Strategies to Get Great, Uninterrupted Sleep Every Night
- 7 Ways to fix your gut
- 8 Causes of Anxiety & Depression That We Often Overlook
- 8 Foods that Boost Productivity
- 9 Easy Ways I Improved My Digestion
- 9 Popular Food Cravings and What They Say About Your Emotions
- 9 Ways to Slow Down Aging through Your Food Choices
- A guide to sweeteners
- A Healthy Gut Is Critical For Immunity
- Acute Pain vs Chronic Pain
- Beat Everyday Anxiety
- Beverage Ideas If You Are A Diabetic
- Boost Your Mood Without Medications
- Breakfast Is Really Important!
- Can You Really Skip Breakfast? A Nutritionist Answers
- Comprehensive 5R GI Restoration Program
- Could A High-Fat Diet Lead To Depression?
- Cravings: You won't believe what your body is trying to tell you!
- Danger! 6 Everyday Foods That Could Cause Cancer!
- Do You Often Feel Tired And Weak?
- Eat well to sleep well: Avoid these foods for a good night’s sleep
- Fibre helps keep the weight off
- Fight Fatigue With These Foods
- Foods to Eat For Great Heart Health
- Health Myths You Still Believe About Red Wine
- Healthy Weight Linked To A Steady Sleep Patter
- High Diabetes Risk For 1 In 3 People
- How Curcumin Targets Cancer
- How Microbes define, shape & might even heal us
- How Much Sleep Do You Need?
- How Sugar Tricks Us and 5 Things We Can Do About It
- How To Identify A Spastic Colon (IBS)
- How to prevent Diabetes
- How To Protect Your Liver
- I Gave Up Gluten, Alcohol, Sugar, Coffee, and Meat
- Interesting Facts About Salt
- Is Eating Fibre Overrated?
- Metabolic Syndrome Is South Africa’s New Pandemic
- Methylation: Why it is important
- Natural Ways to Boost Your Brain Power
- Natural, Science-Backed Tips To Lower Your Blood Pressure
- Nutrition Myths: Fat-Free’s Dirty Little Secret
- Postmenopausal Women Get Amazing Benefits From Exercise
- Probiotics: How they can change your child's life
- Sleep-Deprivation Is ACTUALLY Ruining Your Life
- Take Control of Your Schedule
- Terrific Benefits Of Tomatoes
- The 4 Superfoods You Aren't Eating Enough of
- The Benefits of Avocado
- The benefits of GliSODin
- The Benefits of Superba™ Krill omega-3s
- The Candida Diet: 8 Foods to Eat
- The Healthy Fat No One Talks About & Why You Should Be Eating It
- The Hidden Food Intolerance That Could Be At the Root of Your Inflammation
- This Is What Gluten Can Do To Your Thyroid (It Isn't Pretty)
- Tips to Transition to Alkaline Eating
- What Leads To Long Term Weight Loss And Health
- What the Bacteria in Your Gut Have To Do With Your Physical and Mental Health
- What Your Body's Telling You + What You Can Do
- What's in your mouth?
- Why exercise is essential for diabetes management
- Why Going Gluten Free Can Be Unhealthy
- Why Low-Fat Diets Wreck Your Brain Health
- Why You Crave Sweets after a Meal + How to Stop It
- Why You Should Be Eating More Garlic
- Why Your Genes Aren’t Your Destiny
- You're Probably Hooked on Sugar
- You’re Skin Microbiome: Why it’s The Key to a Clear Complexion
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Staff Members
- Alisha Asarigadu
- Angela Videira
- Angelique Ellis
- Angelique Esau
- Angelique Marais
- Anika Smal
- Ashley La Grange
- Bianca Bezuidenhout
- Boitumelo Mashigo
- Candace Buchanan
- Candice Hall
- Catarina De Castro
- Cathy Heaton
- Chantal Pontes
- Charlé Grobler
- Charleen Liebenberg
- Cindy-Leigh Brown
- Claire Mullany
- Donné Mingo
- Dr Caitlin von Bardeleben
- Dr Cheyenne Prithivirajh
- Dr Chrisna Andersen
- Dr Dalize Willemse
- Dr Darienne Saaiman
- Dr Dominique Myburgh
- Dr Graham Duncombe
- Dr Janene Veenendaal
- Dr Lestonn Lawn
- Dr Lindsay Fyffe
- Dr Liz Dodds
- Dr Marilyn Sharp
- Dr Maurits Kruger
- Dr Michele Vanzaghi
- Dr Nicolette Huggett
- Dr Ross Connor
- Dr Rulene Maré
- Dr Shahra Sattar
- Dr Shannon Bayly
- Dr Sinead Marais
- Dr Sirlesh Moodley
- Dr Tarryn Christie
- Dr Toni Van der Merwe
- Dr Trent Harris
- Dr. Maureen Allem
- Elaine van Wyk
- Elize Pieterse
- Erisca Smith
- Farai Muringai
- Heather de Bruin
- Helette Westraad
- Izak De Bruyn
- Jackie Cochran
- Janet Cloete
- Janine Pfister
- Jeanette Van Staaden
- Jené Schoeman
- Jenna Broom
- Jo-Anne Morgan
- Joy Pretorius
- Katharine Neill
- Kelly Wedderburn
- Khanyisa Folokwe
- Kim Goldstone
- Kim Twiss
- Laurel Raguan
- Lauren McDonald
- Lavern Nair
- Leandri Ras
- Lee-Zay Van Der Merwe
- Lerato Maluleke
- Lezanne Moodley
- Liana Hanekom
- Liezel Smyrnios
- Lindi Scheffers
- Lourita Venter
- Mari Botha
- Maricia de Klerk
- Maryke Mann
- Marzet Cronje
- Megan Pretorius
- Mesha Hargovan
- Michelle Mellet
- Minet Rossouw
- Morné Steenkamp
- Nadeane Moore
- Nadia Pillay
- Nadine Perumal
- Namhla Toni
- Natasha Atkinson
- Neo Hatlane
- Nomabhongo Sonti
- Penelope Wagener
- Petra Brandt
- Prudence Maluleke
- Rianca Moodley
- Rochelle Singh
- Samantha Williams
- Sandisiwe Jika
- Sharon Du Toit
- Sonia Potgieter
- Storm Woolley
- Tania Bezuidenhout
- Thabile Mzinyane
- Thabisa Jawula
- Victor Snyders
- Wilna Kruger
- Yolande Terblanche
- Zeenat Kozain
- Zjanri Toerien