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Is Eating Fibre Overrated?

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Is Eating Fibre Overrated? A Holistic Nutritionist Explains

By Lynda Griparic

You may think fibre’s a dull, overrated topic.

Personally, I get quite excited by fibre and what it's capable of. I also believe most of us don't get enough.

So, my answer to the question "Is fibre overrated?" would be a resounding NO. There are many reasons fibre is amazing for your health and well-being. Read on to find out why.

What is fibre?

Generally speaking, dietary fibre (DF) comes from the edible parts of plants or carbohydrates that resist digestion and absorption in the small intestine. Some of this fibre goes on to be fermented (broken down) by bacteria in the large intestine.

What does fibre do to the body?

  • It makes poop thicker and stickier and adds bulk, which moves it quickly through the colon for removal.
  • Fibre changes the way we absorb nutrients and decreases the amount of energy we metabolise.
  • It produces short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs are essential for optimal health.
  • It plays a role in the production of gut hormones.

Where can you find it?

There are two forms:

Soluble fibre (SF)

Found in some vegetables, fruit, chia seeds, legumes, nuts, oatmeal, and psyllium.

Soluble fibre attracts water, swells, and forms a gel. It bypasses digestion in the small intestine and is fermented by bacteria in the large intestine. The bacteria in our gut ferment SF into SCFAs. Soluble fibre can slow down the digestion of food.

Insoluble fibre (IF)

It is found in whole grains, seeds, dark green leafy vegetables, green beans, and celery, carrots, and fruit skins.

They are not water-soluble and do not form gels. Insoluble fibre adds roughage, which bulks poop and helps move it through the colon quickly.

Fibre promotes health in a lot of different ways:

Cancer preventive

DF protects against cancer in a few ways:

  • Fermented in the large intestine to produce short SCFAs, which are cancer protective
  • Increases antioxidant levels, which protect cells from damage
  • Improves oestrogen removal in poop. Elevated oestrogen can lead to changes and chronic disease in tissues

Heart protective

Risk factors for heart disease include high blood pressure, obesity, and type-2 diabetes. DF protects the heart in the following ways:

  • Regulates energy intake, which maintains healthy weight and enhances weight loss
  • Regulates blood sugar levels and decreases energy uptake, which lowers the risk of type-2 diabetes
  • Decreases plaque formation in the arteries
  • Decreases C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammatory marker that is often predictive of heart disease

Prevents obesity & hunger

DF prevents obesity and reduces hunger in the following ways:

  • When soluble fibre is fermented in the large intestine, it produces gut hormones that reduce hunger.
  • Decreases energy digestibility and uptake
  • As DF increases in the diet, refined carbohydrate intake often decreases. Refined carbohydrates mess with blood sugar balance and appetite. This leads to overconsumption and weight gain.

Prevents type-2 diabetes

DF prevents diabetes by:

  • Lowering blood sugar and insulin after food consumption
  • Slows carbohydrate breakdown and sugar absorption by adding thickness to the stomach contents. This slows stomach emptying and prevents blood sugar spikes.
  • Produces SCFA, which increases insulin sensitivity. This means the body is more effective at using insulin and blood sugar levels are controlled.
  • High vegetable intake has been shown to lower the incidence of type-2 diabetes by 80 percent.

Affects the microbiome

What excites me most about fibre is that it feeds and fertilises our gut bacteria, produces SCFA, prevents leaky gut, and is essential for optimal digestion and a healthy microbiome (gut flora).

A healthy microbiome:

  • Prevents obesity
  • Decreases hunger
  • Assists in weight loss
  • Promotes a healthy heart
  • Protects against colon cancer
  • Is anti-inflammatory and decreases symptoms of Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, and IBS
  • Improves mood, anxiety, and depression

By now I hope that fibre has gained your respect, that you no longer overlook its importance, and that you start filling your plate with loads of quality sources so that your health can flourish as a result.