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Breakfast Is Really Important!

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Simple diet hacks for weight loss! (By ATW Nutrition Coaching)

#TIP: Breakfast is REALLY important 

The common trend among the general population is to skip breakfast due to lack of hunger in the morning.

While this is not a problem if it’s the truth, it CREATES a problem later in the day, when the same people who weren’t hungry early in the day are suddenly attacked by an overwhelming desire to eat anything and everything in sight. They generally succumb to this desire and then don’t lose weight because ‘anything and everything’ very seldom includes fresh fruit and vegetables.

Eat your breakfast!

If you’re trying to lose weight, one of the greatest battles you have to win is keeping your desire for food on an even keel.

Eating a healthy (complex carb and protein-rich) breakfast and drinking A LOT of water in the morning may not feel great while you’re doing it, but it starts your body off the right way so that you eat healthily the rest of the day. If you’re trying to lose weight, one of the greatest battles you have to win is keeping your desire for food on an even keel, and skipping breakfast is definitely not helping you.

Added to the above, ‘hunger’ is a pretty nebulous term in today’s Western world. Very few people reading this article have ever been truly HUNGRY. The feeling you have in the morning is more ‘reluctance’ than hunger. So just eat some food at breakfast because you need to.